Data Insights Webinar: Exploring the Healthcare Career Pathway

Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education is pleased to announce the start of the Hawai‘i P-20 Data Insights webinar series focused on highlighting data to improve equitable student outcomes along the education to workforce pipeline.

The first webinar in the series, Exploring the Healthcare Career Pathway, will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  This presentation will examine the current status of the Healthcare career pathway from K-12 to the University of Hawai’i and into the workforce, and where there may be opportunities to better support students through the pathway.

Webinar Agenda:

  • Data Presentation (45 min. with time for Q&A)
    Overview of the K-12, postsecondary, and workforce data related to the Healthcare career pathway that work towards the overall statewide goal of increasing underrepresented healthcare graduates earning living wages in Hawai‘i.
  • Discussion (30 min.)
    Group discussions about data shown in the presentation and how it could help to inform student support activities and/or made more useful.

Register for the Webinar here.

For more information, please contact Tracy Hongo at:

Data Available for All Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future Goals

We are proud to announce the compilation of data for all four goals of Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future.

Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future (HGHF) is a state goal by the Hawaiʻi P-20 Council that explicitly commits to aligning educational attainment with Hawaiʻi’s workforce and economic development needs, empowering individuals to achieve their career goals here at home.

The Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future Attainment Goals and Metrics Overview:

Goal 1: Universal access to high-quality learning opportunities

  • High-quality early learning programs positively impact young children, from birth to age 5, especially for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children. Goal 1 metrics include students’ prior early learning experiences and Kindergarten Entry Assessment.

Goal 2: Universal preparation of every K-12 student throughout their education for college, career, and citizenship

  • The K-12 experience provides a strong foundation for all students to engage in career exploration and embrace lifelong learning. Goal 2 metrics report student centered data such as subject proficiency, on-time graduation, and college enrollment, as well as educators’ training.

Goal 3: Universal access to postsecondary opportunity and success

  • Living-wage jobs both now and in the future require additional education and/or training after high school graduation. Goal 3 metrics assess credentialed postsecondary graduates, postsecondary access and success, residents with postsecondary degrees, and degrees and certificates awarded to adult learners seeking upskilling or opportunities for career mobility.

Goal 4: Universal education and training of Hawaiʻi residents to fill and create living wage jobs available across the state

  • The jobs of the future in Hawaiʻi will be created and filled by today’s students with high-valued degrees and credentials, allowing for economic mobility and ensuring these positions and workers stay in Hawaiʻi. Goal 4 metrics show postsecondary graduates in high skill, high wage, and high demand fields, postsecondary graduates in the same category who are working in Hawaiʻi, and work-based learning experiences.

Hawaiʻi P-20 will continue to track and report the state’s progress over time and release new data as it becomes available.

To further explore the metrics and dashboards for each HGHF goal, please visit, and look for an announcement coming soon regarding a new Hawaiʻi P-20 webinar series beginning this fall.

Hawaiʻi P-20 Offers Free Online Financial Aid Workshops

August 12, 2024

Beginning this month, Hawaiʻi P-20 Partnerships for Education (Hawaiʻi P-20) and GEAR UP Hawaiʻi will launch the first in a series of its free workshops, held virtually and in-person, statewide to assist with high school students’ postsecondary education planning. All events are free of charge and available to all families regardless of where the student plans to attend college.

Online Financial Aid Workshops will begin August 21 and will be held on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m. through Oct. 2. Attendees will learn how to access more than $150 billion in grants, loans, and other government funding in addition to how to access more than $70 million in scholarships awarded specifically to Hawaiʻi students annually. Registration is open now at

“Whether a student plans to attend a 2-year or 4-year college, or a trade or vocational school, all are encouraged to attend our Online Financial Aid Workshops to learn about how affordable college can be, and what kind of aid is available to reduce the costs even further,” said Frank Green, Financial Aid and FAFSA Outreach Specialist for Hawaiʻi P-20

Federal Student Aid has announced that the opening of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2025-2026 award year has been moved from Oct. 1 to Dec. 1. During this time families should create their personalized FSA ID, which is the required login and the first step to complete the FAFSA, in addition to preparing any additional documentation and financial information necessary to ensure they can complete and submit the FAFSA as early as possible when it becomes available. Families should also monitor deadlines for applications, scholarships, and tuition payments for any potential changes.

“We welcome families to continue to send any questions about the college planning process, financial aid, or the FAFSA itself by emailing, or call and leave a message with the FAFSA Hawaiʻi Hotline,” said Green. The FAFSA Hawaiʻi Hotline can be contacted at 808-842-2540 and all calls and emails will be returned within 24 hours by a local financial aid specialist. “Education is an investment in your future and local help is available all year to guide families to make the transition after high school as smooth as possible.”

For a complete listing of upcoming college planning webinars to include Virtual Scholarship Workshops, visit


Hawai’i P-20 Releases Report On Student Math Outcomes In Our State

To better understand student math outcomes within our state, Hawai’i P-20 is pleased to announce a newly released Math Achievement Data Story, which illustrates the math journey of Hawai’i public school students through high school and into postsecondary within the University of Hawai’i System. Data shows that math preparedness continues to be a challenge for students whether they are pursuing a skilled trades degree or apprenticeship, or a bachelor’s degree. This data story was a collaborative effort among subject matter experts from Hawai’i State Department of Education (HIDOE), University of Hawai’i (UH) and Hawai’i P-20 Partnerships for Education (Hawai’i P-20) to best advocate for and guide our students throughout their educational pathway based on the data collected.

Recognizing that math skills are critically important to college and career readiness, HIDOE continues to focus on the historic challenges that are seen both locally and nationally with low proficiency in math at the elementary and secondary grades. In an effort to further prepare students for long-term math success, the HIDOE 2023-2029 Strategic Plan includes a targeted desired outcome that “All students are proficient in mathematics by the end of eighth grade, and those who are not proficient receive necessary and timely support to become proficient.” With this focus, students will be prepared to complete the HIDOE math requirements necessary for graduation and beyond.

Key Math Achievement Data Story Key Takeaways:

Waiting until college to address equity in math achievement among students is too late. By targeting interventions at key points along the educational pipeline we can reduce demographic differences in math and use data to address inequities in elementary and secondary math preparation. For example, data shows that while Grade 4 students have recovered to pre-pandemic HIDOE Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) math scores, Grade 8 students have not.

  1. Students who are successful in early math courses have access and opportunity to take more, and higher-level math courses along the pipeline. We know that high school students who took Algebra 3 or higher were more likely to enroll in and complete college-level math before the end of their first year of college.
  2. Math course data from K12 to postsecondary shows that students who are ready to enroll in and complete college level math are more likely to succeed at their college goals.
  3. Approximately 71% of students who completed college-level math by the end of their first year earn a college certificate or degree within 6 years, which is more than double the rate for students who did not complete college-level math by their first year.

To view the outcomes in their entirety for the Math Achievement Data Story or to see additional resources such as data dashboards and publications, visit

Summer Transition Advising Programs available for 2024 HIDOE grads

KITV Island News
May 2, 2024

This summer, Hawai’i P-20 Partnerships for Education (Hawai’i P-20) and Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) will be partnering for the fifth year to provide 2024 graduates with transition advising services through the Summer Advising Program, previously known as Next Steps.

“The spring months for seniors are known to be a critical time for important decision making, and although some have made their commitments, we are aware that many students who graduate are still leaving high school feeling uncertain about their life plans,” said Lynsey Bow, the Counseling Program Director for Hawai’i P-20.

Those who participate will be connected to a dedicated summer advisor who will provide one-on-one support to ensure that students complete the next step towards their future plans.

Students must sign-up by May 31 and can do so by texting “nextsteps” to 808-458-5550 or by visiting this link. Service dates will vary by high school between June 3, 2024, and July 12, 2024.

“Access to advising support during the summer months ensures each student secures a plan and receives the necessary support to make informed decisions toward their immediate goal after high school,” continued Bow.

Advisors will be able to help students explore all post-high school options which can include applying to college, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aide (FAFSA), along with connecting them to job training and certifications, updating resumes, and addressing any concerns they may have during their transition period.

The Summer Transition Advising Program began as an emergency response to the pandemic to help the class of 2020. Since then, the program has supported more than 4,636 graduating HIDOE seniors.

FAFSA Hawaiʻi Hotline extends hours for local families

March 26, 2024
Big Island Now

To further provide direct support to local families with the many challenges surrounding the current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form and submission process, Hawaiʻi P-20 Partnerships for Education (Hawaiʻi P-20) and GEAR UP Hawaiʻi are extending the duration of the FAFSA Hawaiʻi Hotline and is now operating with new hours.

The FAFSA Hawaiʻi Hotline is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through May 31. By dialing 808-842-2540 callers will be able to speak directly with counselors and financial aid specialists to assist with any FAFSA questions they may have.

“We understand there are many uncertainties surrounding the FAFSA, so it is wonderful that local families are utilizing this free resource to have their questions answered and to complete their form,” said Frank Green, financial aid and FAFSA outreach specialist for Hawaiʻi P-20. “We encourage all students seeking financial aid to complete the FAFSA every year, even if they do not think they will receive any funds, simply because there are many scholarships that require the FAFSA to be submitted for eligibility. We want to make sure that anyone planning to further their education is awarded as much funding as possible, and completing the FAFSA is the way to make that happen.”

Hawaiʻi P-20 will continue its Virtual FAFSA Completion Workshops on Wednesday evenings through April to allow families to ask financial aid questions and get individual assistance with creating their FSA ID, or work directly with an expert online to submit their FAFSA. During these sessions, attendees are placed with a representative to receive individualized feedback.

Online FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) Review Workshops are also scheduled for the evenings of Thursday, March 28, and Thursday, April 4. The FSS Review Workshops will offer families details on what they can expect in the months following their FAFSA submission, including how to review their FSS and Student Aid Report.

For a complete listing of upcoming FAFSA and college planning webinars or to register, visit